Actuators, build cobots fast
What is a cobot?
Cobots are the latest technology in robotics and have changed the world of automation significantly. The name cobot is a derivative of “collaborative robot”. These robots are collaborative because they can safely work together with people. They can do this because they are equipped with sensitive sensors that give the robot “feel”. If the robot is interrupted in its work, it will shoot into a safety mode. Traditional robots would simply continue their way, potentially injuring people.
What are the main components of a cobot application?
The three main components of a cobot application are the robotic arm, end of arm tooling (end effectors) and the software. For flexibility, a robotic arm is fitted with various joints that allow it to move in different directions when working.
How to build a co-robot fast?
As robotic machines become more sophisticated and gain popularity in the industrial, commercial, and medical markets, they are called upon to perform more complex tasks. New design trends are emerging that capitalize on smaller, more compact assemblies with high precision and reliability. Here we recommend the robot actuators of ZeroErr, which has built-in dual absolute encoders, and the resolution in output shaft up to 20 bit. Dual loop position control ensured the absolute accuracy of positioning. Besides, ZeroErr eRob rotary actuator supports EtherCAT, CANopen, modbus communication protocols, which is suitable for controller of various brands.